martes, 25 de octubre de 2016


Hi again!

This time I want to show you a card I did with two purposes, one, to participate in the wednesday Simon say stamps chalenge and, the most important, to send it to the FUNDACION ALADINA, that helps children with cancer

Here are the links

And the other one if you want to help this children

I hope you like it.

Buenas tardes, esta postal es mi primera aportaciòn (mi intenciòn es que no sea la ùltima), al Reto solidario de Navidad. Espero que os guste y arriba os dejo el link por si os animàis a participar. Animo que la causa lo merece.
Nos vemos prontito 😊

2 comentarios:

  1. Love your painted background, such a pretty shade of pink! Thanks for joining us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday challenge!
